Welcome to Well-Being With Tanisha.
It’s a new year! And with that comes plenty of messages about making sure you put the work in to get the “best version” of you. The diet and fitness industry use this time to make sure we don’t forget that the world is a place obsessed with unattainable body standards. So, here’s a little reminder that:
Our bodies are incredible things! If they ensured we survived the pandemic last year and our life up to this point, then surely they deserve a thank you. Our bodies are the one thing that will stay with us until the very end. It is one of the most important relationships for us to invest in and it’s my belief that in order to find contentment we must find a way to make peace with it.

From a young age we are heavily influenced by advertising and societal norms. We are told that we need to strive for the “perfect bod”.
The “perfect body” is always changing but the message remains the same: “Your worth is related to how close you are to the ideal”.
We hear “no pain, no gain” all the time, teaching us that disordered eating and a relationship with exercise that is based on body adaptation is normal.
Well, it’s not.
Living a life of self hatred, restriction and discontentment is not the one. We can have so much more, deserve so much more. Our self worth is not based on our bodies, how they look or how healthy we are. We are worthy just by being.
"Our bodies are always changing and are in a state of continuous shedding and renewal."
No grueling gym sessions, no diet plan, no beating ourselves up. Who would have thought it could be that simple? You are enough as you are.
Whether your body functions in the way people expect or not - You are enough.
Whether you are considered “plus size” or not - You are enough.
Whether you live in a black body, a brown body, a queer body - You are enough.
There is space for us to grow and shrink and swell and stretch. Our bodies are always changing and are in a state of continuous shedding and renewal. Our bodies do incredible things and one way to undo some of the negative conditioning is to focus on these.
If you are struggling with your body image right now, try this exercise:
Take a moment, close your eyes and sit with your body.
Go through each limb and organ.
Find 3 things you are grateful for.
Take as much time as you like, if you feel able you can touch your body as you go; feel your arms, hold your belly, place your hands over your heart, take a good look at your hands.
Look at your body with a sense of curiosity and wonder.
If you need some inspo here are mine below:
I am grateful for my arms; they allow me to cuddle my dog and give my partner long hugs
I have a newfound appreciation for my hair that defies gravity and is incredibly versatile
I am grateful for my thick thighs that get me from A to B and allow me to go on long walks with friends
Tanisha x
Tanisha is a mental health nurse, she delivers therapy and also lectures on diversity and anti-racism. Tanisha is also a published poet and writes about mental health, sexuality, race and body acceptance. You can find her on Instagram @blacksugarising.