Kiwi’s mission is to uplift the most unheard and buried voices of the artistic world. This is why Kiwi prioritizes submissions by QTBIPOC. All of our opportunities are open to international creators, but we do prioritize submissions by those residing in so-called Canada.
Our website submissions are always open, and accepted work is notified through email. We update our website with accepted work every two months. Allow 2-3 weeks for response time.
Our themed zines have short submission periods. They are published digitally and in print on a triannual basis. Small honorariums are offered to zine contributors.
Zine Submission Periods:
Issue 3: Breathing Fire is currently open for submissions
If we really love a piece submitted to our zines, but we cannot accept it, we will consider it for publication on our website with your permission.
Please read our submission guidelines before submitting.
By submitting to the Kiwi Collective, you accept our terms and conditions.
We are now offering editorial feedback for a small tip of $5. Attach tip receipts from our store to your submission.
For updates on new content and submission periods, follow us on social media or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
Submission Guidelines
Fill out the forms below or email submissions to kiwicollectivemag@gmail.com
For All Submissions
You must provide a short, third-person bio (max. 150 words) that includes:
Your artist name
Your pronouns
Your race
Where you reside (country/province or state)
And a brief description of what you are submitting
The title of your submission file(s) must begin with “[Last Name], [First Initial]_”.
Each file title must indicate what you are submitting (poetry, prose, photography, etc.
Please adhere to the word limits and formatting requests listed below.
Writing Submissions
- Poetry:
- All poems must be sent in one file with each poem beginning on a new page.
- Contributors can send up to 5 poems in one submission.
Prose (includes essays):
Contributors can send up to 2 prose pieces, up to 3000 words total, in one submission.
If you are submitting a short story, indicate whether the short story is fiction or nonfiction in your file title.
Submit a short pitch instead of a completed piece
Your pitch should be a short paragraph explaining the details of your piece.
Upload files as .docx or .pdf
To submit, fill out this form
Email us your work with your third-person bio.
Submit your writing here
Email us your work with your third-person bio.
Visual Art Submissions
Each submitted piece must include a title and a caption (max. 100 words).
Send up to 5 pieces per submission.
If you are submitting a series, you must include a description (min. 150 words).
Upload files as .jpeg, .png, .pdf, or .docx
To submit, fill out this form
Email us your work with your third-person bio.
Submit your writing here
We do not accept video and/or music submissions at this time.